Run From Government Healthcare

The "Affordable Healthcare Act" is neither affordable, nor healthcare. IRS estimates the cheapest family package at $20,000 per year, and that doesn't cover all the costs!
And it's not healthcare--it's medical care, a leading cause of illness, disability and death. Medical care and healthcare are inversely related--the more pills we take, the worse our health gets from adverse side effects because drugs are chemicals that become toxic in the body.
The Western Journal of Medicine reported 199,000 outpatient deaths from Rx drugs, estimating 116 million patients saw a doctor for it, 8 million admissions to the hospital and 3 million admissions to long-term care (messed up for life, reported June, 2000).
Nobel Prize winner Hans Krebs was concerned about internal pollution. Decades ago he said that many people continue taking a drug after it has helped them when it is no longer needed and he mentioned much over-prescribing by many physicians. What would he say now with 4 billion prescriptions written in 2011--that's 13 prescriptions for every man, woman and child.
Perhaps the best view of drugs is what they bring you to at the end. If you ask the average patient taking 11 prescriptions a day, (nursing home average), How are things going? you'll find their appetite and energy are gone and their thinking is fuzzy. Seniors can even stand in the nursing home hallway and fill their diaper as they stare into space, thinking everything is okay!
Big gov wants to control medical care and because there's too much money in it. People want to eat, drink, smoke and abuse themselves. These are factors in high cost of hospitalization. "If millions want to live that way, why should someone who lives carefully be taxed to pay their medical bills?" Nowhere does the Constitution provide for government "healthcare." Trusting the government on this won't be good.
Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, authored a book, "The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us" She told 60 Minutes (1990's) that pharma spends $400 million a year on congressional reelection campaigns. I visited US Senate offices to discuss Rx drugs as a leading cause of illness and death as supported by medical literature, and one senator said, "You are wasting your time... They own us."
A growing number of physicians are seeing that disease is reversible with nutrition providing what the body needs and that we should take responsibility for our own healthcare. Nobody cares about our health like we do or can do.
Dr. Richard Ruhling was board-certified in Internal Medicine and taught at Loma Linda University. His website at claims that heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other medical problems are reversible if we know how to cooperate with the body. 
His main webpage is and his book, Apocalypse 2013, supports huge events this spring.

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